Xinchang Happyland Commodity Co.,Ltd is based in ShaoxingZhejiang China. A company with a long background of being in furniture manufactory and a successful trading business.We have been designing, developingand distributing furniture for over 10 years and always have been inventive,experienced and devoted.We also provide customized servicein ...
Do you suffer from backaches or tension? Can you feel it right now? It’s no surprise if you do. Americans spend up to 90% of their waking hours just sitting. In fact, office and administration employees spend approximately 80,000 hours of their working life sitting down. Kind of makes you want to stand up, doesn’t it?
Sitting at your computer for a long period of time can exhausting and even painful at times. Just think about a typical day at work: after about 20 or 30 minutes of staying in the same seated position, your muscles start to cramp and blood flow slows, leaving you feeling restless and uncomfortable.
The practical solution is to alternate between standing and sitting and prevent the problems before they arise. With an adjustable height desk you can adopt a regular stand and sit routine to relieve stress on your spine and keep you cardiovascular system going strong, strengthen your muscles, and reduce the risk of spinal shrinkage.